Put the kettle on for Europe, 4pm every Sunday


Absolutely! Putting the kettle on is a stereotypical British reflex in times of crisis. What better way to put the week's Brexit news in to perspective than sitting down with a brew?

What if I don't drink tea?

No problem! Coffee is fine too. Or hot chocolate. You could even make toast, or bake a cake!

Does anyone think this is a good idea?

British protest at its best... (Julia)

So this is a protest?

Maybe! It's too late to stop the United Kingdom leaving the European Union but Brexit is far from done. There are still plenty of ways to limit the potential damage and support the people it will impact the most.

And then?

Hold the government to account and write to your MP.

And then?

Support the people Brexit will impact the most, for example:


And then?

If it just ends up being a weekly spot of Brexit therapy for a few enthusiasts, that would be great too.

And then?

No and then.